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Blenders 9-5 Crew, How We’re Living in Forward Motion: Taylor

Blenders 9-5 Crew, How We’re Living in Forward Motion: Taylor

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Header photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

Here at Blenders, we're doing all we can to keep a positive outlook in these crazy times and to stay living in forward motion as much as the situation allows. Each member of our squad here is going about achieving that goal a bit differently, so today we’re checking in with Taylor to see how she’s working to be her best self during “the time of corona.” 



1. How are you staying in forward motion during this time of social distancing? Are there any physical and/or mental practices or exercises you’ve adopted?

Life in forward motion at home is different, but different is good! Nowadays it means at-home workouts with friends and push-up challenges with my boyfriend, lots of outside walks with our dog, reading a ton, and improving my vegan cooking skills… mastered some enchiladas last week!

2. Sometimes taking a big step back from the everyday routine can cause other things to come into greater focus. Is there something you’re seeing with greater clarity these days?

How beautiful the sunset is (due to actually being home during sunset) but also how much I thrive on routine. 

3. If you could pick one Blendz team member to be quarantined with, who would it be?

Ziggy (our Marketing Manager Grace’s new puppy!) for obvious reasons.

4. What habit or fad have you succumbed to that you swore you never would prior to these events?

Binge-watching Netflix! 

5. What’s the first thing you’re doing once the social distancing restrictions are lifted that you cannot or will not currently do now?

Getting my hair done during the day and going to a rooftop bar in downtown at night.

6. If there’s one positive change you most hope can come out of all this, what is it? 

For everyone to never take the small things for granted.