Running Sunglasses

Lightweight, wraparound sunglasses with adjustable features and anti-slip details

Adventure Land Adventure Land

Eclipse X2 $59

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
193 Reviews
Adventure Land
Saturn Cloud Saturn Cloud

Eclipse $59

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
1,796 Reviews
Saturn Cloud
Concord Fast Concord Fast

Eclipse $59

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
940 Reviews
Concord Fast
Phantom Boss Phantom Boss

Eclipse $59

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
517 Reviews
Phantom Boss
Miss Hannah Miss Hannah

Eclipse X2 $59

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
281 Reviews
Miss Hannah

Running sunglasses are essential for any active, athletic person. The lightweight, stable frame combines with polarized lenses to allow you to see clearly the whole time you're out and about. We offer the best running sunglasses so you can get your workout in without a hitch and look good while you do it, too.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized lenses are an important part of sunglasses for activewear. Our polarized running sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays while deepening contrast so you can see better. Not only that, but they will keep out glare and block gnats, intense sun, snow, and rain.

Sunglasses Especially Made for Running

Regular sunglasses are not ideal to wear when running because they're really just made for walking. The best sunglasses to run in are made with running in mind from stem to bridge. Our polarized sunglasses do not slip, bounce, or pinch above the temples. You'll never be slowed down or miss any exciting moment while you're wearing them.

Get Framed

Sunglasses have come a long way from the usual standard frame. The ideal sunglasses to run in feature the right fit for certain sizes of faces, and ours have no problem fitting wide faces. They also come in different shapes, so you can choose the running sunglasses to flatter the face you present to everyone.

Choose Your Shade

All of our polarized sunglasses use the same lenses, but that doesn't mean they all look the same. Choose from several different possible mirrored colors of lenses while still being able to see just as clearly out of any of them. There's polarized green, red, and blue, among other hues. When you're ready to take on the world, you need the right running sunglasses to do it.